Thursday, February 21, 2008

Roadtrip- Update #4

It's that time again, the late night updates of the roadtrip!

Today we went to Mount Hood to snowboard. It was such a beautiful at day, it was five degrees so the weather was really warm, which sounds awesome, and to a certain degree it was... But the snow was very wet, and very slow, so it was difficult to get any real riding done, because there was no powder, and powder is my passion with snowboarding. So that part was difficult, however a whole lot of fun. We made games out of the conditions, like the snow was so warm we could make amazing snowballs... So we played snowball tag, and that was sweet, I never got caught once, therefore I won. That was nifty, but in all reality the only loser was Scotty, because he was the one who was it last, and the longest. Then for the lunch hour, Mark and I went on a sweet photoshoot! Anything we saw that we believed to be an awesome picture opportunity, we fully grasped! We have dozens of pictures from all over the lodge, with animals, carvings, stairs, walls, it is very funny, those pictures will be on Facebook soon, so look for that!

After that we went to a Basketball game at some "gangsta" school named McKay... We watched a junior varsity game, and it was really good. I am quite confident that the two teams I watched played today, at the junior varsity level, could destroy any senior team in Calgary, it was nuts. Super high caliber of Basketball.

I then came home tonight, and I have not really done too much. I have basically been on the computer and watching television for the night. It has been very nice to relax.

Tomorrow we are going to the Ocean, and I am looking forward to that immensely. It will be a beautiful day, God willing. I hope it is, I would love to be able to spend some quiet time on the cliffs over-looking the most powerful water in the world, admiring the sunset, before having a bonfire on the beach. I think it will be wonderful, and I hope that our plans will be worked out. Hopefully the weather is appropriate, and that it will be as good as we hope it to be.

Today was a short one, not too much happened outside of our snowboarding trip to Mount Hood. I hope that I am not boring you too much with these entries, and if I am... I don't really care I guess, if the truth be told. I don't write these blogs for you, I write them for me, so I can remember where I've been, to see what I have done, and to see what I have felt. And today, was a feel-good day at Mount Hood. Maybe in two years I will look back at what happened today, and I will remember the good times from Mount Hood. So if they bore you, I will never force you to read my writings, although I am thankful you are reading this entry, do not feel obligated to do so!

I love you all friends, even if I don't know you, I am pretty sure if I met you, I would start to love you... Not in a creepy way, but in virtue of you're human, and God created you, therefore, I appreciate you so much, the faults do not matter... That is what I mean, I love and appreciate you as a God-created human. Yeah, that is what I meant.



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