Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How to be trendy in today's world...

Ellen DeGeneres calls this the Trendy Trending Trends. I thought I couldn't steal that title, so I wanted to give it a shout-out in the first sentence. So, task #1 with this blog... completed.

Now on with the meat of the blog entry... It is no secret that culture is always changing, people are always changing, music is always changing, tastes/interests are always changing.

Well, I'm not in high school anymore, in fact the youth group here in Cobourg didn't even know who Hanson was (I mean, seriously? Who doesn't know the classic song, MmmBop?!?!) So, I realized I am getting old and out of touch. So I decided I ought to pay more attention to this next, upcoming generation (that trendy book writers and culture-analysts call the iY generation).

So, here is how to fit in with this upcoming generation. According to this old, out of touch 21 year old...

1. Wear SillyBandz. Elastic bands that when they are not stretched, form a shape (i.e. Dolphin, Guitar, Bird, etc) AND, pay only 6 dollars for the thinnest bands of plastic I have ever seen. Steal of a deal if you ask me.

2. Be scared of clowns. It seems that everyone is terrified of clowns these days. Whenever I ask someone why? They never have a response other than 'I dunno, they're creepy!' They are scared of clowns because everyone is scared of clowns.

3. Whenever you feel 'zany, crazy, or loud' just say "I totally have ADHD." You wouldn't believe the amount of teenagers nowadays with ADHD or ADD... seems like just about anybody that has had a sodapop has ADHD.

4. Say you have a food issue. Trendy ones I heard a lot this summer were: Allergic to certain food items, Lactose Intolerant (the best was when a self-proclaimed Lactose Intolerant individual said she couldn't have the cheese while having 2.8 litres of ranch dressing), but the BE-ALL-END-ALL food thing to say you have it a celiac's disease. Say you can't have gluten... that's the golden-ticket winner.

5. Be the biggest Harry Potter fan. Ever. And second place in your heart as far as movies go... without question, Twilight.

6. If you are a teenage girl... Have a crush on Justin Bieber.

7. If you are a teenage boy... While in public always declare you categorically HATE Justin Bieber, but mimic his hair and clothing style as best as you possibly can.

That is all the advice I have for anyone growing up in today's world on how to be cool.

Goodluck friends.
