My musical family for the past year... Top row is Erin, Kevin, Mike... Front row is Evan, Scott and me!

Me and Kev sticking our feet up in the air!

The band playing!
First off, I basically copied this perfectly from my Program Ambassador blog, but I wanted to share with everyone my LYC experiences... So here it is!
Every year our school puts on a weekend youth conference called Legacy Youth Conference for hundreds of youth from all across Canada. This conference is run from a core group of 15-20 student leaders that are on a team called CPT (Central Planning Team). Each member on CPT has their own specialty area from business, entertainment, atmosphere, registration and many others. I was very fortunate and blessed to be on this team this past year working with Erin Tjart and D'arcy Watsham in the areas of rallies and worship leading. The three of us have been planning the rallies and the worship for this conference for hours every week since last April. Two weeks ago today this conference took place and before we knew it the conference was all over! It is hard for me to believe that it has already come to a close! After countless hours of work, planning, dreaming and envisioning what this conference could be the reality that it is over is an interesting pill to swallow!
The actual weekend was a truly amazing experience. I had many opportunities over the weekend to just sit back and watch the hundreds of kids from all over Canada (and the USA) enjoy the conference. It was amazing to see so many hours of planning come to full fruition and see God do His work in the lives of those that were at Ambrose that weekend. A lot of truly cool things took place where God spoke into the hearts of the youth, youth leaders, youth pastors, Ambrose students and everyone else that was at the conference. I was so blessed to not only be one member of the team that helped shape and form the rallies but to be a leader on the worship team. The rallies were powerful times where God spoke through our speaker, Ryan Graham, and did a lot of soul work on the people there. I was able to see the hours and hours of frustration, joys, laughter and tears come together just the way God planned it... The conference that God wanted took place just the way He wanted it and I am so humbled that I had the chance to be involved!
Some of my favourite moments of the weekend were:
- Leading worship
- Seeing the creative ideas for the rallies come together and God use them for changing the lives of the people that partook of them
- The band's involvement with the youth from Catalyst youth group (Jon Morrison's youth group) and when I was given one of the cork's from their celebratory sparkling apple juice
- Being able to connect and play guitar with various students over the weekend
- Talking with youth leaders and youth pastors from all around Canada and being able to share the chord charts with the music we played so that they could take it home with them to their churches.
- Seeing all of CPT do just what they were most passionate about and do a great job of executing their areas to a high level!
- Being able to feel the support of the prayer team and other teams that greatly encouraged myself and those I was working with
- I loved being able to teach two seminar's on the heart of worship with Scott Cyr!
- Entertainment night was amazing, the "Lols" were flowing!
- The Riot on Friday night was an amazing opportunity to meet with many students and be ridiculous playing the various games. My favourite was the tiger tug of war type game!
- The extended worship on Sunday night was so freeing because I realized that the conference had come to full fruition and seeing everyone just worship unhindered and completely free praising Jesus. It was powerful. And very beautiful.
LYC was a truly amazing experience, thanks to everyone that was involved! Now it is time for me to continue in my efforts of catching up on sleep and the homework that was put on the backburner for the last month!
Blessings friends!
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