I know I have published this on all forms of my social network, facebook and nexopia... However, this is single-handedly the most influential moment in my walk with God. Therefore, I believe it is worthy, even more than worthy, to be published on my early beginnings of a blog. Therefore, here it is... An exact copy of what I wrote that summer evening of June 21, 2007. I could go through and fix all the typos, fix the poor writing, but i wrote this like 7 hours after my accident, I was still in shock at the time of this writing, so for me personally... I find these errors to be an addition to the authenticity of this writing. Praise be to God that I am even alive, and able to write this blog now.
I am not going to write this to be dramatic, but i'm going to write it to tell about how truly lucky i am to be alive. I should be dead right now, or at least seriously injured and not be able to move, i should be lieing in a hospital bed for weeks... THis is what i heard from numerous medical professionals today.
I was in an accident today... and it was far from a good, healthy experience. I was driving to Olds to meet my friend whom i haven't seen for many years, and i guess that the heat and everything kind of got to me, and i lost control of the van... I wandered off the side of the road. You know how bridges sometimes have the cement ramps underneath them (this is the spot you often see homeless people sleeping in and stuff,) well that ramp acted as a jump for me, and i was told that i flew something like 20 feet in the air... i don't remember, this is what a guy, i really believe to be a guardian angel (as corny and fruity as that sounds) named Lauren told me.
See he was driving south to Calgary, as i said, i was driving north to Olds... And he said he looked over to the left and he saw a blue dodge caravan upsie down in the air... (Which was me)
He then said that i flipped and rolled , and all that fun stuff that nobody should ever see except for in the movies, and then came to a stop... Van smoking, complete wreck. The police report said that i actually was cartwheeling (rolling verticle...not the horizontal side over side but the windshied over the back of the van, and that i did that four times)
I was also told by the guys cleaning the scene up that the accident scene is almost 900 feet from where i first went into the ditch. I wasn't in my t-shirt, it was on the seat beside be, but when i looked, my shirt was 150 yards away from the van...
And then he saw me crawl out, and up the embankment towards the main road.
Lauren told me to just sit down, and not do anything. And i thought i was fine, i'm like just let me go get my phone.. he was like no way, you can use mine, i need you to lay dow and rest, so i did. Then a tow truck guy called 911 and i had the whole shabang of ems show up... firetrucks, ambulance(s), police cars... everyone, all for me... it was bizarre, it's all movie like.
Anyways, this Lauren guy is something like the Head of Medicinal Studies at the UoC, it's incredible, that one of the only witnesses was a man brilliant in medicine, he knew what to do until EMS got there, and it was definitely God-given gift... because he was an angel of sorts, as lame as that sounds, it's true.
So the EMS guys pulled up, and put me on the stretcher, the C-Spine (neck brace), IV, blood pressure, straps, you know, all that stuff you see on ER. And then the guy, named Mike, just went on for the entire 35 minute drive home went on to talk about how incredible it is i am alive.
He said that he has never, ever, seen anyone get out of a vehicle that is in that kind of shape... He also said where i crashed is the most deadly spot on the #2 highway. His exact words were
"dude, someone is watching over you. I'm not sure who and i'm not sure why, but somebody wants you alive, and for the crash you were in, he would've had to literally have a bubble of protection on you"
That blew my mind, because the only thing i remember is looking up through the sun-roof and seeing grass approaching, while everything is else is completely silet. I'm not sure if you've ever felt that experience, but i can honestly say that i won't forget it soon, it was terrifying. I then remember rolling, over and over again, and just crying out "God protect me, God protect Me, God protect Me" ... And i walked out of that car, walked up the embankment, and 7 hours later walked out of the hospital to go home, with a headache, two HUGE bandaids, and a couple of 'abbrasions'... i should be dead, but i walk out with that...
Which is why i believe with all of my little 17 yr old heart that God had his hand of protection over me. Now i realize just how hokey-pokey Sunday SChool crappy that sounds, and coming from me may not mean a whole lot, because i haven't had the best of years, but guys, this changed me. I realize now that God could take my life away, and that he saved me. Mike said that someone saved me for something important, and i don't know what that is, i don't have a clue, but i do realize that God saved my life today. And i intend to live my life for him. This year i definitely did'nt do that, i struggled this year, gave in to the party scene a little bit, but that's not really who i am. I am a guy that has been bought for a price, and i am not intending to live for God, it's the least i can do after he literally saved my life.
To be honest, this doesn't even come close to explaining what i went through, it's a horrible, horrible memory, one that i will not be able to forget. Anytime i close my eyes i just remember flipping and rolling in that ditch... but you know what, it's all good. I am fine with that, because it does remind me of the power that the one who created me has...
Sorry if that's lame, but it's the truth.
there's not denying that
God Saved My Life today.
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